PRIVAT-BARREL I German oak I 50l

PRIVAT-BARREL I German oak I 50l

Regular price €3.490,00

Unit price€69,80 per  l

only 10 left in stock


The oak wood for this barrel comes from the 2,200-hectare Bürgerwald in Annweiler. This oak wood has been growing in this forest since the times of Napoleon and was fiercely contested.

Aromas: walnut, dried fruits, tannin


100% unmalted Spreewald rye, mashed with Belgian saison beer yeast.

Aromas: fruity-dry, cherry, pear, with spicy pepperiness

- Includes 3 years of aging in the barrel storage

- Includes alcohol tax

- Includes adjustment to desired alcohol content and possible filtration

- Includes bottling and equipment (bottle 700ml and cork)

Please note that in case of returns, the liter numbers are nominal sizes. There may be deviations during the measuring process.

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