STORK CLUB x sustainability

"If you don't understand the importance of sustainability, you simply oversleep life."

STORK CLUB on the way to climate neutrality

Our distillery is located in the middle of the Spreewald Biosphere Reserve. This is also where the grain for our whiskeys comes from - directly from the fields that can be found all around Schlepzig. Nature is therefore of great importance to us: it provides us with all the necessary raw materials for our distinctive STORK CLUB Rye Whiskey.

Not only with the raw materials, but also with our equipment, we pay attention to short delivery routes. Unlike many other manufacturers, we source our glass bottle directly from a German glassworks, and the glass is mostly made from recycled glass. And our bottle closure is made from renewable raw materials and not from plastic.

Since 2022, we have been organic certified and we are already distilling and bottling individual products in organic quality. And we neutralize the CO2 footprint of us and our employees together with PLANTED.

Step by step towards climate neutrality and beyond!

Organic Rye Whiskey | 07.22

For many years, we have sourced our rye locally, from the nearest neighboring village.

Now our first organic rye has been harvested, distilled, and bottled. We expect the first bottling of STORK CLUB Organic Rye Whiskey in 2027!

STORK CLUB Organic Rye Gin | 06.22

STORK CLUB launches the first organic gin.

A classic distilled rye gin with a tasty, citrus-fresh aroma. And all produced in organic quality.

You definitely have to try it!

Try organic rye gin

Climate neutral team | 01.22

In addition to internal measures to avoid CO2 in our distillery in the Spreewald biosphere reserve, we also work closely with themPLANTED together and, in a first step, offset the CO2 balance of our entire team by reforesting German mixed forests.

In this way, we not only reduce CO2 emissions with our workforce, but also help our local forests.

You too can make a positive contribution

We are now organic certified! | 01.22

Thanks to organic certification, we will finally be able to produce our whiskey and other spirits in organic quality from 2022.

We reduce packaging waste | 10.21

Around 40 billion spirits bottles made of glass are produced worldwide every year, causing 22 million tons of CO2 emissions.

In the area of B2B & gastronomy, together withecoSPIRITS, we reduce packaging waste and replace the single-use bottle with 4.5L reusable carboys, the ecoTOTE3.0, in a circular economy..

With every bottle saved, ecoSPIRITS saves at least 550 grams of CO2 emissions. That means every drink saves 30 grams of emissions.

And innovation in low-carbon spirits distribution is only just beginning.

reduce environmental impact
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